
Shubh Niwesh Financial Services maintains this site (the “Site”) for your personal information, education and communication only.

Shubh Niwesh Financial Services is a AMFI registered Mutual Fund Distributor & not a stock exchange or a trading platform recognised by the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) under the Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956. Shubh Niwesh Financial Services just facilitates deals in unlisted shares of Pre-IPO companies to provide liquidity to investor. As per new SEBI circular No 24/2021 dated 6th Aug 2021, all unlisted/PreIPO shares are locked in for six months from the date of listing on the stock Exchanges.

Shubh Niwesh Financial Services or its associates shall not be in any way liable for any loss or damage arising out of dealing in any type of financial instruments. Please read the offer document carefully before investing. Past performances of the schemes are neither indicative nor a guarantee of future performances.

Images, Notes, Blogs, Documents are taken from Public domain & for education purpose only and makes no representation or solicitation of products mentioned in this website. Users/Customer/Buyer have to comply with the respective company’s product agreement. Shubh Niwesh Financial Services is a service provider only.

The risk of loss in online trading of stocks, bonds, equities (domestic & foreign), and any assets on this platform can be substantial. Assets shown on this platform involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. Shubh Niwesh Financial Services is intended/recommended only for investment from investors (for persons residing in India/overseas), and for persons residing abroad in jurisdictions where securities registration exemptions apply.